[MYSTERY & THRILLER]. A large library of approximately over 500 titles related to detective, mystery, and thriller genres.
Authors including: Sue Grafton (many signed), Anne Rice (many signed), Dean Koontz, Thomas Harris, S.E. Hinton (many signed), Anthony Burgess, Dan Brown (signed Angels and Demons), John Ceasey, David Baldacci, Bernard Cornwell, Darcy O’Brien, Mickey Spillane, Charles Portis, Elmore Leonard, Dennis Lehane, Ken Follett, Lawrence Block, Clive Barker, Dick Francis, Clive Cussler (signed), Jonathan Gash, John Berendt (signed bookplate), Tom Clancy (Hunt for Red October, signed), James Patterson, John Le Carre (many signed), Patricia Cornwell, Michael Crichton (some signed including Jurassic Park), Tony Hillerman, John Dunning (several signed), Truman Capote, Raymond Chandler, and many others.
All 8vo, all in original bindings, dust jackets, many signed, most first editions, condition ranges from good to near fine. Third party shipping required.