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[CIVIL WAR]. LAWLER, David F. (1841-1919). An Archive of Pvt. David Lawler, Company B of the 73rd Regiment of the Illinois State Volunteers. [Illinois, ca. 1860s-90s]. An impressive historical record of this Illinois infantry company. Including “Descriptive Book Company B 73rd Regiment Illinois State Volunteers”. Folio ledger with alphabetical tabs. Approximately 15 ½ x 10”. 45 pages of manuscript records (nearly all records are double-page) on 40 ruled leaves. Bound in contemporary brown calf over marbled boards, printed paper label with manuscript notations on front cover (heavily worn, spine partially perished, joints cracked, endleaves toned and soiled, several gutters overopened, some occasional soiling to ruled ledger pages (ledger pages are relatively bright, though with marginal rubbing). Very good. An incredible alphabetical roll-call record of the soldiers of Company B, including names, physical descriptions, which state they hailed from, when they enlisted, how long they served, and with how many of them left military service (discharged due to injury, died in battle, died from wounds, etc.). And “73rd Illinois Register of Names of Comrades in Attendance on the Re-union of Survivors of Said regiment Oct. 8th + 9th 1890 Springfield, Ill. An “Illinois Register of Electors” ledger with alphabetical tabs, with pencil markings on front wrapper altering the title to convert this electors ledger into a reunion ledger. Approximately 14 x 8 ½”. 11 pages of penciled notes in an unknown hand (possibly that of David F. Lawler) on 18 ruled leaves and the inside of the rear wrapper. Original printed wrappers (worn, chipped, soiled, text leaves worn and soiled primarily at upper margin). Good. A written record of survivors, the towns and state in which they reside (naturally, nearly all of them live in Illinois). Entries are not in alphabetical order, despite being in an alphabetized ledger. Very good. And a group of four autograph letters signed by various friends or relatives of Lawler. [V.p., 1898]. Eight 8vo and 4to leaves; 15 pages of manuscript. Creased, toned, with tears at some creases. Generally good. These letters appear to be of a personal nature, and not connected with the Civil War or the Reunion. And with a four-page manuscript speech, possibly intended to be delivered at the 1890 reunion. [Ca. 1890s]. Two 4to leaves of plain white paper, four pages of pencil manuscript in an unknown hand, unsigned. Creased, edgeworn. Very good. This speech relates the speaker’s view of the “Rebellion” as well as the history of some of the military action he saw. Excellent content. And with nine Illinois state tax receipts, made out to Benjamin M. Lawler. [Illinois, ca. 1860s-70s]. On tax receipt stationery, approximately 7 x 8” and smaller. Worn, soiled, creased, chipped. According to the website, Benjamin is David’s father. With assorted other items, including a color postcard, two Christian Science tracts, and a color prayer card. David Lawler served in Company B from August, 1862 to June, 1865. He participated in about 20 battles, including Perryville, Stone River, Chicamauga, Mission Ridge, the many engagements of the Atlanta Campaign, Franklin and Nashville. He was always civic-minded, although he never held elected office. An excellent archive of real historical value.