Winter Magic Auction: featuring the Collection of Max Maven
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 12/14/2024

[MARLO] Apocalypse. Harry Lorayne. Monthly. V1 N1 (Jan. 1978) – V14 N10 (Oct. 1991). Incomplete file of 140+ loose issues, owned and annotated extensively by Ed Marlo, the “cardician” and author of dozens of works on sleight-of-hand. Lacking approximately 25 issues to complete the run; complete list available on request. Usual wear from handling and use. With virtually every issue annotated in ink by Ed Marlo, sometimes extensively, in his distinctive hand. Sold together with a facsimile of a lengthy letter from Marlo to Harry Lorayne taking Lorayne to task for perceived shortcomings in Apocalypse. A fascinating and revealing record of Marlo’s views on sleight-of-hand and close-up magic.

Marlo’s comments are primarily critical – caustically so in many instances – though he does offer praise in his annotations throughout the file of the journal. The notes in his trademark block capital style frequently refer to him in the third person.

Among his quips are: “Good effect that is 90% Marlo,” “Dumbhead effect,” “Should be titled The Stink!” (in reference to an effect titled The Sting), “…this is really bad thinking,” “good effect but perhaps it could be done with regular coins.” “Doesn’t understand that “oil & water” should have as little moving around of cards as possible.” “Inferior to methods already in print.” “Marlo ideas on this are far superior…,” “A rip-off of Marlo’s “Think Touch Turn” from Tops….” Virtually no contributions are safe from Marlo’s editorializing, from editor Lorayne to Dai Vernon and others. Regarding a Phil Goldstein contribution to V1 N4, Marlo writes, “This type of mental stuff is dullsville.”

The annotations and commentary begin with the second issue of the magazine and continue through to the end of the run offered here.

Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $500.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $4,560.00
Estimate: $1,000.00 - $2,000.00
Number Bids:27
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