Winter Magic Auction: featuring the Collection of Max Maven
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 12/14/2024
Group of Nearly 24 Italian Titles of Magic or Occult Subjects. [V.p., ca. 19th - 20th centuries]. 8vos to 4tos. Many in publisher’s bindings (generally worn, soiled, some with repairs, previous owner’s markings or bookplates). Generally good. VARIOUS EDITIONS. Some titles include: Nuovo Plico d’Ogni Sorta di Tinture (2 copies, 1818, 1807), La Chimica in Famiglia, Clavis Universalis (1960), Il Velo Squarciato, La Lanterna Magica (by Collodi, second edition), L’Illustionista, Le Meraviglie Della Forza e Della Destrezza, Anno Primo Barbabicanca di Vamba, La Magie Naturelle (by Porta, modern edition), Sel Senso delle Cose e della Magia, Veglie Magiche, Sapete Come Fare?, Gli Spiriti delle Tenebre, La Medica Empirica, Maghi e Illuminati nei Secoli, This Baffling World, Spiritismo (Hoepli), Medici Ciarlatani e Ciarlatani Medici, Contro gli Astrologhi, La Telepatia (fourth edition), Le Grandi Menzogne, Publio Nigidio Figulo Astorlogo e Mago, Scienze Occulte, Sempre Carte in Tavola, Il Manoscritto de Sphaera, La Scarica Invisibile, Il Vero Nelle Scienze Occulte.
 Group of Nearly 24 Italian Titles of Magic or Occult Subjec...
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $80.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $240.00
Estimate: $150.00 - $300.00
Number Bids:4
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