Celestial & Terrestrial Exploration
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The live auction begins on Friday, April 18, 2025 at 3:00 PM
[NASA ASTRONAUTS]. All 10 Easton Press Limited Editions Signed by Astronauts, All with Easton Press COAs. [Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press, 1990s-2000s]. 8vos. 7 volumes of the Easton Press Astronaut Library, plus 3 other signed limited editions by astronauts. All in publisher's deluxe bindings of full leather, watered silk endleaves, ribbon bookmarks, all edges gilt (a few volumes with lightly bumped corners). Fine. SIGNED LIMITED EDITIONS, including: Moon Shot signed by Alan Shepard (#16/3,000), Lost Moon signed by James Lovell (#16/3,000), Countdown signed by Frank Borman (#16/3,000), The Last Man on the Moon signed by Gene Cernan (unnumbered), Schirra's Space signed by Wally Schirra (#16/3,000), We Seven signed by Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, and John Glenn (#16/3,000 with 3 COAs), Men from Earth signed by “Buzz" Aldrin (#16/3,000), Leap of Faith signed by Gordon Cooper (unnumbered), For Spacious Skies signed by Scott Carpenter and Kris Stoever, The All-American Boys signed by Walter Cunningham (with “Apollo 7" handwritten by Cunningham, unnumbered - this copy has the embossed ownership stamp of John N. Taylor, Jr on the limitation page - not affecting Cunningham's signature or “Apollo 7".) The Astronaut Library was originally published in 6 volumes - later, the 7th volume, The Last Man on the Moon, was added. The additional 3 volumes in this lot account for the other signed limited edition titles published by astronauts for Easton Press.
 [NASA ASTRONAUTS]. All 10 Easton Press Limited Editions Sig...
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $1,000.00
Current Bid: None
Estimate: $2,000.00 - $3,000.00
Number Bids:0
My Bid:      $
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