Lot NumberTitleFinal Price
1 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922-1982). Marilyn Monroe (Grey ... Price Realized: $180.00
1A GREENE, Milton (American, 1922-1982). Marilyn Monroe - Ballerina Sitting B&W (B-08). 1954, later printing. Price Realized: $187.50
2 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Frank Sinatra (FS-013... Price Realized: $0.00
3 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Sophia Loren (SL-042)... Price Realized: $187.50
4 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Cary Grant (CG-111). ... Price Realized: $187.50
5 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Audrey Hepburn (AH-11... Price Realized: $0.00
6 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Ava Gardner (AG-071 B... Price Realized: $0.00
7 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Dovima (DHSP-... Price Realized: $0.00
8 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne St. Marie. 1960,... Price Realized: $218.75
9 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922-1982). Anonymous Fashion Mod... Price Realized: $0.00
10 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Kim Novak. 1955, late... Price Realized: $0.00
11 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne Gunning. 1953, l... Price Realized: $0.00
12 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Eyes (3181-Ey... Price Realized: $0.00
13 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Cary Grant (CG-111). ... Price Realized: $0.00
14 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Models. Two Portraits... Price Realized: $0.00
15 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Ava Gardner (AG-071 B... Price Realized: $0.00
16 MALSCHICK, Debra (American). Untitled (Floral Still Life). ... Price Realized: $0.00
17 MALSCHICK, Debra (American). Untitled (Floral Still Life). ... Price Realized: $0.00
18 MALSCHICK, Debra (American). Yellow Tulips, Orange Lilies &... Price Realized: $0.00
19 [PRINTS]. (After) ALEXANDER, William (British, 1767–1816). ... Price Realized: $156.25
20 [POSTERS]. LICHTENSTEIN, Roy (American, 1923–1997). Whaam! ... Price Realized: $60.00
21 [PRINTS]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Two Untitled Works / Metallic Cir... Price Realized: $0.00
22 [PRINTS]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled / Abstract Squares. Circ... Price Realized: $0.00
23 HEWITT, Jami (American, 20th century). Two Untitled Works /... Price Realized: $0.00
24 MARUSKA, Joseph (American, b. 1963). Untitled / Abstract. ... Price Realized: $0.00
25 [PAITNINGS]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled / Abstract. Gouache a... Price Realized: $0.00
26 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Frank Sinatra (FS-013... Price Realized: $0.00
27 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922-1982). Marilyn Monroe (Grey ... Price Realized: $0.00
28 [PHOTOGRAPHY]. ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th Century). Pre... Price Realized: $187.50
29 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Ava Gardner (Sun Hat)... Price Realized: $0.00
30 [HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAPHY]. ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th Cen... Price Realized: $0.00
31 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Kim Novak. 1955, late... Price Realized: $0.00
32 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Dovima (DHSP-... Price Realized: $0.00
33 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne Gunning. Anne St... Price Realized: $0.00
34 [HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAPHY]. ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th Cen... Price Realized: $0.00
35 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Cary Grant (CG-111). ... Price Realized: $0.00
36 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Eyes (3181-Ey... Price Realized: $0.00
37 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne Gunning. Models.... Price Realized: $0.00
38 [HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAPHY]. TETZLAFF, Ted (American, 1903 - 19... Price Realized: $180.00
39 [PRINTS]. (After) LIEBERMAN, Joyce (American, 20th century)... Price Realized: $0.00
40 [PRINTS]. (After) LIEBERMAN, Joyce (American, 20th century)... Price Realized: $0.00
41 LIEBERMAN, Joyce (American, 20th century). Untitled / Flor... Price Realized: $0.00
42 [COLLAGE]. MARKELL, Melissa (American, 20th century). Two W... Price Realized: $187.50
43 [COLLAGE]. MARKELL, Melissa (American, 20th century). Two W... Price Realized: $0.00
44 [COLLAGE]. MARKELL, Melissa (American, 20th century). Swing... Price Realized: $0.00
45 [PRINTS]. Three Botanical Prints / Allium, Sunflower, and C... Price Realized: $187.50
46 LAIRD, Campbell (American, 20th century). Flit Wo 12. 2006.... Price Realized: $0.00
47 Three Works / Pastel Tones. Circa 1990s-2000s. Includes one... Price Realized: $0.00
48 Three Works / Floral. Circa 1990s-2000s. Offset Lithographs... Price Realized: $0.00
49 [POSTERS]. Group of Four Art Posters. Circa 1990s–2000s. Co... Price Realized: $96.00
50 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Audrey Hepburn (AH-11... Price Realized: $250.00
51 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Dovima (DHSP-... Price Realized: $0.00
52 [HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAPHY]. WALKER, Joseph (American, 1892 - 1... Price Realized: $218.75
53 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Eyes (3181-Ey... Price Realized: $0.00
54 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Frank Sinatra (FS-013... Price Realized: $187.50
55 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne St. Marie. 1960,... Price Realized: $187.50
56 [HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAPHY]. ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th Cen... Price Realized: $0.00
57 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Ava Gardner (AG-071 B... Price Realized: $0.00
58 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne Gunning. 1953, l... Price Realized: $0.00
59 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Pair of Abstract Landscapes. Circa 1990s–2... Price Realized: $0.00
60 [PRINTS]. Two Prints / Pineapple and Lilies. Circa 1990s–20... Price Realized: $0.00
61 OWEN, Jonathan (American, 20th century). Fishin’ and ‘Oatin... Price Realized: $312.50
62 (After) HALL, Hampton (American, b. 1941)]. Two Works / Flo... Price Realized: $0.00
63 (After) DELISLE, Guillaume. Mappemonde a l’usage du roy. Of... Price Realized: $0.00
64 [PRINTS]. Group of Four Prints. N.d. Offset lithograph repr... Price Realized: $62.50
65 [PRINTS]. Group of Four Prints. N.d. Offset lithograph repr... Price Realized: $62.50
66 Three Works / East Asian [Stylized]. N.d. Includes two offs... Price Realized: $0.00
67 [PRINTS]. [(After) HALL, Hampton (American, b. 1941)]. Pair... Price Realized: $0.00
68 SCHOFIELD, Michael (American, 20th century). Tranquil Momen... Price Realized: $0.00
69 [PRINTS]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled / Abstract Expressionist... Price Realized: $218.75
70 (AFTER) HURTADO, Fabio. Mascarada. Circa 1990s–2000s. Acryl... Price Realized: $0.00
71 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Above and Below. 1982. Embossed relief prin... Price Realized: $0.00
72 Four Works / Plants & Nature. Circa 1990s–2000s. Mixed Medi... Price Realized: $0.00
73 [HOLLYWOOD PHOTOGRAPHY]. ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th Cen... Price Realized: $0.00
74 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Frank Sinatra (FS-013... Price Realized: $0.00
75 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Dovima (DHSP-... Price Realized: $0.00
76 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Ava Gardner (AG-071 B... Price Realized: $0.00
77 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Eyes (3181-Ey... Price Realized: $0.00
78 WILLOUGHBY, Bob (American, 1927 - 2009). -- ARTIST UNKNOWN.... Price Realized: $0.00
79 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922-1982). Marilyn Monroe (Grey ... Price Realized: $187.50
80 WILSON, M.B. (American, 20th century). For the Music. 1998... Price Realized: $0.00
81 WILSON, M.B. (American, 20th century). Orpheus Singing. 19... Price Realized: $0.00
82 WILSON, M.B. (American, 20th century). Hullabaloo. 1998. O... Price Realized: $0.00
83 WILSON, M.B. (American, 20th century). Reinventing the Whe... Price Realized: $0.00
84 DRESSLER, Francine (American, 20th century). Drifting. 199... Price Realized: $240.00
85 DRESSLER, Francine (American, 20th century). Still Memorie... Price Realized: $240.00
86 DRESSLER, Francine (American, 20th century). Random Still.... Price Realized: $240.00
87 DRESSLER, Francine (American, 20th century). Diptych Right... Price Realized: $281.25
88 GLADSON, Carson (American, 1940-2023). Untitled. Circa 20th... Price Realized: $0.00
89 [PRINTS]. MORGAN, Charlotte (American, 20th century). Untit... Price Realized: $0.00
90 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne Gunning. Anne St... Price Realized: $0.00
91 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Dovima (DHSP-... Price Realized: $0.00
92 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne St. Marie. Ava G... Price Realized: $0.00
93 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Sophia Loren (SL-042)... Price Realized: $0.00
94 WARREN, Jacqueline L. (American, 20th century). Paradise Ta... Price Realized: $0.00
95 WARREN, Jacqueline L. (American, 20th century). Pompei Bird... Price Realized: $0.00
96 WARREN, Jacqueline L. (American, 20th century). Pompei Bird... Price Realized: $187.50
97 [PASTEL]. ARTIST UNKOWN. Untitled / Landscape with Trees [I... Price Realized: $0.00
98 [PASTEL]. ARTIST UNKOWN. Untitled / Landscape with Trees [I... Price Realized: $0.00
99 [PASTEL]. ARTIST UNKOWN. Untitled / Landscape. Circa 1990s-... Price Realized: $0.00
100 [PASTEL]. ARTIST UNKOWN. Untitled / Landscape with Water [I... Price Realized: $0.00
101 [PASTEL]. ARTIST UNKOWN. Untitled / Landscape with Water [I... Price Realized: $0.00
102 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Fashion Dovima (DHSP-... Price Realized: $0.00
103 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Ava Gardner (AG-071 B... Price Realized: $0.00
104 GREENE, Milton (American, 1922–1982). Anne St. Marie, Model... Price Realized: $0.00
105 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled / Fan. Circa 1980s–2000s. Mixed me... Price Realized: $0.00
106 [COLLAGE]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled / Abstract Collage. 199... Price Realized: $0.00
107 WALL-ROMANA, Margaret (American, 20th century). Light in th... Price Realized: $0.00
108 ROGERS, Barbara (American, 20th century). Dream Pond #5. 19... Price Realized: $625.00
109 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled. 1992. Oil on canvas. Signed (ille... Price Realized: $312.50
110 Group of Four Prints. 1990s–2000s. Offset lithograph prints... Price Realized: $0.00
111 Group of Three Prints. 1990s–2000s. Offset lithograph & gic... Price Realized: $0.00
112 Group of Four Prints. 1990s–2000s. Offset lithograph prints... Price Realized: $0.00
113 Group of Four Prints. 1990s–2000s. Offset lithograph prints... Price Realized: $0.00
114 [ADVERTISING]. Five Hotel Advertising Photographs and Poste... Price Realized: $0.00
115 BOURAS, Henry (American, 1932–1990). Untitled. 1972. Ink an... Price Realized: $180.00
116 BOURAS, Harry (American, 1931–1990). Untitled Figure. 1975.... Price Realized: $96.00
117 SNYDER, Ellsworth (American, 1931–2005). Untitled. 1986. Mi... Price Realized: $0.00
118 MINGOLLA, Dom (American, 1922–1999). Curlings Essence. Circ... Price Realized: $87.50
119 DEVOE, Robert (American, b. 1928) Dark Encounter. 1971. Mix... Price Realized: $0.00
120 INGEBRAND, Mary (American, 1953-2020). Untitled Still Life.... Price Realized: $0.00
121 SCARLETT, Rolph (Canadian, 1889–1984). Untitled. 1966. Wate... Price Realized: $180.00
122 SCARLETT, Rolph (Canadian, 1889–1984). Untitled Abstract Sh... Price Realized: $156.25
123 KONTNY, Pawel August (Polish-American, 1923–2002). Untitled... Price Realized: $87.50
124 [GROPPER, William (American, 1897–1977). Soviet Russia. N.d... Price Realized: $0.00
125 BRAGG, Charles (American, 1931–2017). Doctor of Music. Circ... Price Realized: $0.00
126 SLOBODKINA, Esphyr (Russian-American, 1908–2002). Untitled ... Price Realized: $8,750.00
127 VAN FULPEN, Cornelius (Dutch-American, 1905–2018). New York... Price Realized: $125.00
128 HILL, Jim (American, b. 1942). Two Paintings / Homage to Ja... Price Realized: $0.00
129 VERDIER, Jean (French, 1889–1976). Fleurs. 1963. Oil on pa... Price Realized: $343.75
130 VERDIER, Jean (French, 1889–1976). Marguerite Colorees. 196... Price Realized: $343.75
131 ANDERSEN, Robert W. (American, 1933–2022). Alphabet Piece. ... Price Realized: $0.00
132 STEPHANO, L. (20th century). Untitled / Landscape and Harbo... Price Realized: $0.00
133 GLEASON, (Joe) Duncan (American, 1881–1959). Vale. Circa 20... Price Realized: $780.00
134 HAYASHI, Nobuo (Japanese, 20th century). Two Untitled Citys... Price Realized: $0.00
135 AUSTE (Auste Peciura) (American, b. 1950). Untitled / House... Price Realized: $125.00
136 AUSTE (Auste Peciura) (American, b. 1950). Two Untitled Wor... Price Realized: $156.25
137 AUSTE (Auste Peciura) (American, b. 1950). Untitled / Alien... Price Realized: $375.00
138 BUFORD Jr., Byron Leslie (American, 1920–2011). Untitled / ... Price Realized: $0.00
139 MALCOLM, Drew (American, b. 1980). Two Works / Untitled (An... Price Realized: $218.75
140 MALCOLM, Drew (American, b. 1980). Two Works / 6 PM Memory ... Price Realized: $62.50
141 MALCOLM, Drew (American, b. 1980). Rotisserie Style: I Need... Price Realized: $100.00
142 MALCOLM, Drew (American, b. 1980). Stupid by Sorry. 2007. A... Price Realized: $0.00
143 MALCOLM, Drew (American, b. 1980). Foreplay. 2007. Acrylic ... Price Realized: $187.50
144 TORREZ, Elroy (American, b. 1954). Untitled / Portrait of a... Price Realized: $480.00
145 ARNHOLT, Waldon Sylvester (American, 1909–1982). Chief Gall... Price Realized: $0.00
146 LANYON, Ellen (American, 1926-2013). Two Carnival Knockdown... Price Realized: $0.00
147 CARLIN, James (American, 1906 - 2005). Untitled. Ink and ch... Price Realized: $0.00
148 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th Century). Nine Homemade Peace and Protest Posters. Price Realized: $240.00
149 POSKA, Roland (American, 1938-2017) Untitled Papestry. Not ... Price Realized: $0.00
150 PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973) Joueur de Flûte et Chèvre. (Flut... Price Realized: $2,880.00
151 Christo & Jean Claude (Bulgarian, Moroccan 1935-2020/2009).... Price Realized: $0.00
152 CAMPOLI, Cosmo (American, 1922-1996) Birth of Death. 1950-5... Price Realized: $1,680.00
153 WIRSUM, Karl (American, 1939-2021) Chili Heels. 1981. Color... Price Realized: $3,360.00
154 WINTERS, Jonathan (American, 1925–2013). Birds at Dawn. 197... Price Realized: $0.00
155 LOSTUTTER, Robert (American, b. 1939). Hummingbird. 1993. L... Price Realized: $360.00
156 CRUMB, Robert (American, b. 1943). Sketchbook Page. [Circa ... Price Realized: $1,000.00
157 WILSON, Gahan (American, 1930–2019). Original Painting and ... Price Realized: $3,750.00
158 MAX, Peter (American, b. 1937) Friends / Century Ladies Ver... Price Realized: $4,560.00
159 STONEHOUSE, Fred (American, b. 1960). El Brillo Negro. Circ... Price Realized: $540.00
160 SCHNEIDER, George (American, b. 1934). Untitled. Relief Col... Price Realized: $0.00
161 ANDERSEN, Robert W. (American, 1933–2022). Oracle #9. Circa... Price Realized: $0.00
162 ANDERSEN, Robert W. (American, 1933–2022). Oracle #2. 1962.... Price Realized: $0.00
163 ANDERSEN, Robert W. (American, 1933–2022). Untitled / Abstr... Price Realized: $0.00
164 ANDERSEN, Robert (American, 1933-2022). Untitled. Painted C... Price Realized: $312.50
165 ANDERSEN, Robert (American, 1933-2022). Three Painted Const... Price Realized: $540.00
166 SCHNEIDER, George (American, b. 1934). Untitled. Still Life... Price Realized: $0.00
167 SCHNEIDER, George (American, b. 1934). Untitled. Queen Anne... Price Realized: $180.00
168 ANDERSEN, Robert (American, 1933-2022). Floral Fantasy. 198... Price Realized: $0.00
169 ANDERSEN, Robert (American, 1933-2022). Untitled. (Blue vs ... Price Realized: $180.00
170 ANDERSEN, Robert (American, 1933-2022). Poem #2. 1962. Oil ... Price Realized: $375.00
171 AUBIN, Barbara (American, b. 1928). Star of a Night Sea. 19... Price Realized: $720.00
172 RYAN, Patty (American, 20th century). Mr. Boo. Not dated. M... Price Realized: $180.00
173 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Untitled. (Belmont... Price Realized: $120.00
174 STASYS, Eidrigevicius (Lithuanian, b. 1949) Humble Guest. 1... Price Realized: $1,440.00
175 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. (American, 20th century) Untitled. (Sad G... Price Realized: $0.00
176 LOZANO, Jose (Mexican, b. 1959) Untitled. (Figurative Tript... Price Realized: $0.00
177 SVOBODA, Josef (Czech, 1920-2002) Untitled. (Stage Design).... Price Realized: $1,200.00
178 OWENS, Joyce (American, 1947-2024). Two Portraits. Portrait... Price Realized: $570.00
179 MILLER, Jan (American, 20th century). Still Life with Pears... Price Realized: $0.00
180 MILLER, Jan (American, 20th century). Still Life with Goble... Price Realized: $250.00
181 MILLER, Jan (American, 20th century). Still Life with Caram... Price Realized: $375.00
182 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Untitled. (Moderni... Price Realized: $0.00
183 BEIRNE, Bert (American, b. 1939). Flow Blue Egg Cup and Egg... Price Realized: $330.00
184 BERCAW, Ruth (American, b. 1932) Earth Shield – with Beak a... Price Realized: $0.00
185 JOHNSON, Gerald (American, 1944-2009) Untitled. (Geometric ... Price Realized: $343.75
186 JOHNSON, Gerald (American, 1944-2009) Untitled. (Geometric ... Price Realized: $625.00
187 JOHNSON, Gerald (American, 1944-2009) Untitled. (Geometric ... Price Realized: $437.50
188 CHRISTOFFERSEN, Russell (American, 1947-2008) Untitled. (Gr... Price Realized: $375.00
189 CHRISTOFFERSEN, Russell (American, 1947-2008) Untitled. (Gr... Price Realized: $240.00
190 SEMPANGI, Frederick Kefa (Ugandan, b. 1939) KCC Popi MP. 19... Price Realized: $125.00
191 Lee, Clifford, (American 1926-1985) Clown. Circa 1970s. Oil... Price Realized: $0.00
192 ALVY, John (French, b. 1921) Townscape. 1964-65. Oil on can... Price Realized: $187.50
193 BARAZANI, Morris (American, 1924-2015) Fusion I. 1967. Oil ... Price Realized: $1,187.50
194 GESSERT, Earl (American, 1919-1997) Untitled. (Milwaukee In... Price Realized: $125.00
195 GOLDFUS, Helen (American, 20th century) The Conspirators. 1... Price Realized: $0.00
196 MIDDAUGH, Robert (American, b. 1935) The Sunshine Machine. ... Price Realized: $250.00
197 MILAM, John J. (American, 1932-1990) I Touched But Could No... Price Realized: $2,500.00
198 PRATT, W. D. (20th century) Sandown Park, England. 1995. Wa... Price Realized: $0.00
199 SCHWARTZ, Carl E. (American, 1935-2014) Sculptress - Kay Ho... Price Realized: $562.50
200 SLAPSYS, Arturas (Lithuanian, b. 1962) Please Let Me Live. ... Price Realized: $0.00
201 BERNSTEIN, Gerda Meyer (German/American, 1923-2024) Solitud... Price Realized: $187.50
202 ALLRICH (American, 20th century) Tribe Mother. Gouache on p... Price Realized: $0.00
203 FINLEY, Karen (American, b. 1956) Holy Family on Acid. 1989... Price Realized: $500.00
204 FITZPATRICK, Tony (American, b. 1958). Blackie the Radiant ... Price Realized: $1,250.00
205 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. 20th century) Untitled. Three Figures and... Price Realized: $125.00
206 ENGELHARD, Elizabeth (American, 1893-1965). Pumping Up. Not... Price Realized: $0.00
207 ANTONIO, Angelito (Philipino, b. 1939). Untitled. (Abstract... Price Realized: $1,000.00
208 ANTONIO, Angelito (Philipino, b. 1939). Untitled. Unstill L... Price Realized: $1,187.50
209 WEST, David (American, 20th century). Untitled. (Figure). N... Price Realized: $0.00
210 BAK, B. (American, 20th century). Untitled. (Three Figures)... Price Realized: $0.00
211 BIGMAN (20th century) Untitled. (Still Life). Not dated. Oi... Price Realized: $0.00
212 TARALLO, Jorge (American, Uruguayan b. 1951) Untitled. (At the Pier) Price Realized: $0.00
213 WALSH, Aidan (South African, 1932-2009) 5 Corporation Street, Cape Town. 1988. Price Realized: $60.00
214 TORRES, Sonia Gil (Columbian b. 1936) Lion. 1973. Oil on ca... Price Realized: $0.00
215 TORRES, Sonia Gil (Columbian b. 1936) Panther. 1973. Oil on... Price Realized: $312.50
216 HOLLANDER, Gino F. (American, 1924 - 2015). Untitled. 2006.... Price Realized: $687.50
217 HOLLANDER, Gino F. (American, 1924 - 2015). Untitled. 2006.... Price Realized: $480.00
218 HOLLANDER, Gino F. (American, 1924 - 2015). Untitled. (A So... Price Realized: $531.25
219 YAZZIE, Steven J. (American, b. 1970). May desert icicle. N... Price Realized: $500.00
220 REDBIRD Jr., Robert (Kiowa, b. 1964). Untitled / Two Women ... Price Realized: $0.00
221 SCHIFF, Molly (American, 1923-2024) Let’s Dance. Not dated.... Price Realized: $0.00
222 SCHIFF, Molly (American, 1923-2024) Untitled (Dance Series)... Price Realized: $0.00
223 SCHIFF, Molly (American, 1923-2024) Here’s to Hubbard Stree... Price Realized: $0.00
224 Toro, Elias (Venezuelan b. 1936) Untitled. Oil on board. Si... Price Realized: $0.00
225 MARTIN-FERRIERES, Jacques (French, 1893-1972). Untitled. (E... Price Realized: $3,250.00
226 ATKINSON, Dan (American, 20th century) Mardi Gras. 1949. Oi... Price Realized: $1,062.50
227 BIGAUD, Wilson (Haitian, 20th century) The Merchant. 1958. ... Price Realized: $812.50
228 WOOLF, Frankie (American, 1928-2010) Untitled. (#137). Price Realized: $360.00
229 WOOLF, Frankie née Favuzza (American, 1928-2010) Untitled. ... Price Realized: $180.00
230 WOOLF, Frankie née Favuzza (American, 1928-2010) Untitled. (Woman in a Bikini). Price Realized: $180.00
231 WOOLF, Frankie née Favuzza (American, 1928-2010) Nuns. Price Realized: $210.00
232 WOOLF, Frankie née Favuzza (American, 1928-2010) Untitled. (Seated Woman with a Pinwheel). Circa 1960. Price Realized: $210.00
233 PINSLER, Jerry (American, 1928-1996) Untitled. (Abstraction... Price Realized: $625.00
234 WOOLF, Bill (American, 1927-2024) Untitled. (Geometric Abst... Price Realized: $360.00
235 WOOLF, Bill (American, b. 1927). Untitled / Two Metal Strip... Price Realized: $0.00
236 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century) Untitled. (Female P... Price Realized: $187.50
237 RICHMAN, Julie (American, 20th century). Catalog of Virtue ... Price Realized: $0.00
238 LOMBARDI, Anthony (American, 20th century). They Sadden Spi... Price Realized: $0.00
239 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. Untitled. Carnival Lights. [American, 20t... Price Realized: $75.00
240 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. Untitled. Sailor. [20th century]. Waterco... Price Realized: $0.00
241 POE, Hugh M. (American, 1902-1973). WWII Battle Scene. 1943... Price Realized: $0.00
242 FRENCH, Jared (American, 1905-1987) Sketch - “Billy the Kid... Price Realized: $2,040.00
243 KLEIN, Medard (American, 1905–2002). Untitled Abstract Pain... Price Realized: $0.00
244 KLEIN, Medard (American, 1905–2002). Odors of the Night. [1... Price Realized: $0.00
245 LANDACRE, Paul (American, 1893-1963) The George Cukor Estat... Price Realized: $1,250.00
246 NIELSEN, Kay (Danish /American, 1886-1957). Untitled Illust... Price Realized: $2,250.00
247 Two Photographs of Gertrude Abercrombie with a Double-sided Sketch by an Unknown Artist. Price Realized: $1,125.00
248 PRATT, John (American, 1911-1986) “Creole Girl” from the Ba... Price Realized: $2,400.00
249 PARKE, Walter Simpson. (American, 1909-1994) Man with Red S... Price Realized: $300.00
250 WEISENBORN, Rudolph (American, 1881–1974). Untitled Portrai... Price Realized: $180.00
251 GONCHAROVA, Natalia Sergeevna (Russian, 1881–1962). Two Sti... Price Realized: $687.50
252 LARIONOV, Mikhail (Russian, 1881–1964). Rayonist Study [I].... Price Realized: $875.00
253 LARIONOV, Mikhail (Russian, 1881–1964). Rayonist Study [II]... Price Realized: $937.50
254 ROZANOVA, Olga (Russian, 1886–1918). Two Suprematist Fabric... Price Realized: $1,750.00
255 LYE, Len (Leonard Charles Huia) (New Zealand, 1901–1980). L... Price Realized: $3,250.00
256 BEKKER, David (American, 1897-1955) Torah Study. 195... Price Realized: $1,200.00
257 BEKKER, David (American, 1897-1955) Dance at the Wedding. 1... Price Realized: $0.00
258 MOTLEY JR., Archibald (American, 1891-1981. Two Panel Banner for the Chicago Historical Society Exhibition, “Archibald Motley Jr.”. Price Realized: $270.00
259 GOLUB, Leon (American, 1922-2004) Untitled. Not dated. Char... Price Realized: $625.00
260 GOLUB, Leon (American, 1922-2004) Head Extended. Not dated.... Price Realized: $0.00
261 GOLUB, Leon (American, 1922–2004). The Lovers. 1952/1992. S... Price Realized: $120.00
262 BERTOIA, Val (American, b.1949). Fine Line Sounds Fine [B-2951]. 2024. Price Realized: $3,500.00
263 BERTOIA, Val (American, b.1949). Cat-Tail Sounds [B-2949]. 2024. Price Realized: $2,000.00
264 [SCULPTURE]. JOHNSON, Darrell (American, b. 1947) Elaborate... Price Realized: $0.00
265 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Thistle. 1997. Mix... Price Realized: $0.00
266 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Chapel. 2012. Foun... Price Realized: $0.00
267 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Psalm. 1992. Mixed... Price Realized: $0.00
268 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Untitled / Last Su... Price Realized: $375.00
269 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Night Shade. 2010.... Price Realized: $0.00
270 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Sweet Nothings. 19... Price Realized: $0.00
271 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Entitled. 1991. Mi... Price Realized: $0.00
272 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Untitled / Dresser... Price Realized: $0.00
273 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Father. N.d. Mixed... Price Realized: $0.00
274 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Three Works. Vario... Price Realized: $0.00
275 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Portfolio. 1979. S... Price Realized: $0.00
276 WHARTON, Margaret (American, 1943–2014). Anthesis. N.d. Ser... Price Realized: $250.00
277 MAIER, Vivian (American, 1926-2009) Group of 10 Family Port... Price Realized: $180.00
278 MAIER, Vivian (American, 1926-2009) Group of 10 Travel Them... Price Realized: $187.50
279 MAIER, Vivian (American, 1926-2009) Badlands, South Dakota.... Price Realized: $0.00
280 LAGERFELD, Karl (German, 1933-2019). Self-Portrait. Twentie... Price Realized: $120.00
281 HAUSER, Mark (American, 1952-2018) Photographs: Marc Hauser... Price Realized: $390.00
282 PLATT LYNES, George (American, 1907-1955) Untitled. (Baller... Price Realized: $343.75
283 PLATT LYNES, George (American, 1907-1955) The Cage. Not dat... Price Realized: $375.00
284 PLATT LYNES, George (American, 1907-1955) Jared French, 5 S... Price Realized: $0.00
285 PLATT LYNES, George (American, 1907-1955) Jared French. Cir... Price Realized: $1,625.00
286 MATTER, Herbert (Swiss - American 1907-1984) Portrait of Ja... Price Realized: $0.00
287 SEYMOUR, Maurice (American, 1900-1993) Untitled. (Corrine a... Price Realized: $150.00
288 COOK, Charles (American, 20th century) Nudes in Woodland La... Price Realized: $240.00
289 COOK, Charles (American, 20th century) Nudes in Woodland La... Price Realized: $240.00
290 COOK, Charles (American, 20th century) Nudes in Woodland La... Price Realized: $300.00
291 COOK, Charles (American, 20th century) Nudes in Woodland La... Price Realized: $0.00
292 WEGMAN, William (American, b. 1943). Water Work. 1998. Ekta... Price Realized: $840.00
293 WEGMAN, William (American, b. 1943). Puppy 2001. 2001. C-pr... Price Realized: $406.25
294 WEGMAN, William (American, b. 1943). Untitled. (Dog on Tabl... Price Realized: $570.00
295 WEGMAN, William (American, b. 1943). Nursery Rhymes. (A set... Price Realized: $900.00
296 WEGMAN, William (American, b. 1943). Royal Flush: Jokers. 1... Price Realized: $420.00
297 WEGMAN, William (American, b. 1943). Covered Bridge. 1998 E... Price Realized: $960.00
298 [MUGSHOTS]. Group of Nearly 90 Mugshots from Various Places... Price Realized: $420.00
299 [MUGSHOTS]. Group of Nearly 90 Mugshots from Various Places... Price Realized: $720.00
300 [CRIME PHOTOGRAPHY]. A Group of 25 Press Photos of Crimina... Price Realized: $120.00
301 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. 14 Western Cowboy Portrait Photos [Ca. 19... Price Realized: $0.00
302 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. 17 Western Cowboy Portrait Photos [Ca. 19... Price Realized: $312.50
303 [EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY]. Tintype Western Store Scene with Horse... Price Realized: $187.50
304 [PHOTOGRAPHY]. Untitled / Railroad Interlocking Machine. La... Price Realized: $125.00
305 CURTIS, Edward Sheriff (American, 1868-1952). A Cree Camp a... Price Realized: $180.00
306 CURTIS, Edward Sheriff (American, 1868-1952). Spokan Man. [... Price Realized: $0.00
307 CURTIS, Edward Sheriff (American, 1868-1952). Assiniboin Bo... Price Realized: $250.00
308 AFTER REMINGTON, Fredric (American,1861-1909) Coming Throug... Price Realized: $1,375.00
309 NEIMAN, Leroy (American, b. 1926) Horse Racing Suite (Pulli... Price Realized: $2,250.00
310 Ceramic Coi. (American, 20th century). Glazed stoneware. 8 ... Price Realized: $0.00
311 BURSZTYNOWICZ, Henry (American, 1922-2001) Untitled (Animal... Price Realized: $72.00
312 Wheat Harvester. (American, 20th century). Painted plaster.... Price Realized: $120.00
313 [GLASS]. Blown Glass Ristras. Not dated. Colored glass blow... Price Realized: $156.25
314 GORMAN, R.C. (Dine, 1932-2005) Woman with Black Cat. 1982. ... Price Realized: $375.00
315 NELSON, Jack (American, b. 1929) Untitled (Face and Eyes Sh... Price Realized: $120.00
316 HARDISON, Ruth Inge (American, 1914–2016). Bust of Benjamin... Price Realized: $406.25
317 PITCHFORD - JOLLY, Marva Lee (American, 1937-2012) Untitled... Price Realized: $180.00
318 PITCHFORD - JOLLY, Marva Lee (American, 1937-2012) Untitled... Price Realized: $300.00
319 MCLEAN, Jack and Alice (American, 20th Century). A Group of... Price Realized: $281.25
320 BALL, Clyde (American, 1929-2017) Untitled. (Abstraction). ... Price Realized: $240.00
321 BALL, Clyde (American, 1929-2017) Untitled. (Abstraction). ... Price Realized: $468.75
322 BALL, Clyde (American, 1929-2017) Two Untitled Abstractions... Price Realized: $281.25
323 BALL, Clyde (American, 1929-2017) Five Untitled Abstraction... Price Realized: $875.00
324 COLOMBIK, Roger (American, b. 1964) Kaddish II 1986. Cast a... Price Realized: $0.00
325 GALL, Theodore (American, b. 1941) Continued Dialogue. 1981... Price Realized: $406.25
326 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century) Untitled. (Cabinet ... Price Realized: $375.00
327 PIAZZA, Antonio (Italian, 1895-1925) Untitled. (Clown). Not... Price Realized: $240.00
328 PATTISON, Abbott (American, 1916-1999) Two Figurative Bronz... Price Realized: $0.00
329 GUSTIN, Chris (American, born 1952). Untitled Vessel/Large ... Price Realized: $2,125.00
330 JOHNS, Kyle (American, born 1983). Constructed Vessel. 2015... Price Realized: $0.00
331 KAYSER, Elliot (American). Herd Immunity. 2020. Signed. Cla... Price Realized: $625.00
332 SLIPPER, Paul (Canadian, 20th century) The Skier. 1996. Gra... Price Realized: $0.00
333 MONAGHAN, Brian (American, b. 1950) Untitled. Not dated. Co... Price Realized: $5,750.00
334 SHAPIRO, Karen (American, b. 1947) M & M’s. (Three Oversize... Price Realized: $750.00
335 Alvar Aalto; Kukka. Finnish. 50th Anniversary Design (Desig... Price Realized: $625.00
336 Hans Harald Rath; Lobmeyr. Austrian. Alpha Drinking Glasses... Price Realized: $187.50
337 PHILABAUM, Tom (American, b. 1947). Tall Blown Glass Vase. ... Price Realized: $87.50
338 HANSEN, Stephen (American, b. 1950). Business Man. (On Roll... Price Realized: $0.00
339 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. Quacked Wheat. (American, 20th century) P... Price Realized: $250.00
340 LILIENFELD-JONES, Jayne (American, 20th century). Three Cer... Price Realized: $0.00
341 [INDUSTRIAL FOUND OBJECT]. A Group of 72 Vintage Hangers. [... Price Realized: $0.00
342 [INDUSTRIAL FOUND OBJECT]. (American, 20th century). Pair o... Price Realized: $0.00
343 (American, 20th century). Oversize Lightbulb Display Object... Price Realized: $156.25
344 [INDUSTRIAL OBJECT]. Harpoon Tip. Early 20th century. Cast ... Price Realized: $62.50
345 KRAMER, Gideon (American, 1917–2012). Set of Eight Ion Chai... Price Realized: $0.00
346 RELLING, Ingmar (Norwegian, 1920–2002). Two Vestlandske Cha... Price Realized: $593.75
347 SONNEMAN, Robert (American, 20th century). Red-Orange Swive... Price Realized: $180.00
348 LICHTENSTEIN, Roy (1923–1997). Silk Screen Greeting Card fr... Price Realized: $625.00
349 LICHTENSTEIN, Roy (1923–1997). “As I Opened Fire”. Triptych... Price Realized: $0.00
350 LICHTENSTEIN, Roy (1923–1997). “I Pressed the Fire Control…... Price Realized: $625.00
351 AFTER WARHOL, ANDY (American, 1928-1987) MYTHS: Superman, T... Price Realized: $0.00
352 STERN, Bert (American, 1929-2013) Marilyn. Not dated. Color... Price Realized: $625.00
353 HODGKIN, Howard (British, 1932-2017) Red Print. 1994. Etchi... Price Realized: $937.50
354 YOSHIDA, Toshi (Japanese, 1911-1995) Kilimanjaro, Evening. ... Price Realized: $531.25
355 YOSHIDA, Toshi (Japanese, 1911-1995) Kilimanjaro, Cloudy Da... Price Realized: $562.50
356 [AFTER] CALDER, Alexander (1898-1976). Intersecting Colored... Price Realized: $0.00
357 CHAGALL, Marc (Russian-French, 1887–1985). Envy I (L’Envie ... Price Realized: $0.00
358 BUFFET, Bernard (French, 1928–1999). Pont De Grenelle. 1968... Price Realized: $210.00
359 BONIES, Bob (American, b. 1937). Group of Three Composition... Price Realized: $250.00
360 ANDOE, Joe (American, b. 1955). Horse II. [1994]. Lithograp... Price Realized: $812.50
361 CHRISTENSEN, Dan (American, 1942–2007). CC-2. 1980. Serigra... Price Realized: $0.00
362 GALVEZ, Byron (Mexican, 1941–2009). Dialogue. 1989. Lithogr... Price Realized: $180.00
363 OLDENBURG, Claes (Swedish-American, 1929–2022). Centennial ... Price Realized: $0.00
364 LEVINE, Jack (American, 1915–2010). Helene Fourment. 1965. ... Price Realized: $0.00
365 PAPART, Max (French, 1911–1994). Two Works. 1973 & 1987. In... Price Realized: $375.00
366 YUNKERS, Adja (American, 1900–1983). Falling Birds. 1978. L... Price Realized: $0.00
367 (After) PICASSO, Pablo (Spanish, 1881–1973). Composition wi... Price Realized: $156.25
368 CUIXART, Modest (Catalan, 1925–2007). Two Works from the Se... Price Realized: $0.00
369 KRUSHENICK, Nicholas (American 1929–1999). Fire/Flash/Fire... Price Realized: $437.50
370 SASSONE, Marco (American-Italian, b. 1942). Bricole Rose. 1... Price Realized: $187.50
371 WILDING, Ludwig (German, 1927–2010). Untitled - Squares. 19... Price Realized: $120.00
372 FINK, Don (American, 1923–2010). Two Works. Untitled [Galax... Price Realized: $0.00
373 PAPART, Max (French, 1911–1994). The Lovers. [1980]. Mixed ... Price Realized: $100.00
374 EVERGOOD, Philip (American, 1901-1973). Cool Doll in Pool. ... Price Realized: $0.00
375 DIEGO, Julio de (Spanish-American, 1900–1979). Untitled [Ca... Price Realized: $180.00
376 JACQUET, Alain (French 1939–2008). Les billes de Geneve. 19... Price Realized: $0.00
377 DE FOREST, Roy (American, 1930–2007). Composition A. Circa ... Price Realized: $210.00
378 TWORKOV, Jack (American, 1900–1982). TL #6. 1978. Cleveland... Price Realized: $125.00
379 DENNY, Robyn (British, 1930–2014). Two Works / Suite 66 V [... Price Realized: $0.00
380 CUEVAS, Jose Luis (Mexican, 1934–2017). El Viaje, or, To Ha... Price Realized: $210.00
381 GILLESPIE, Gregory (American, 1936–2000). Mother and Son. 1... Price Realized: $0.00
382 (After) MATISSE, Henri (French, 1869–1954). L’Avaleur de Sa... Price Realized: $0.00
383 EDDY, Don (American, b. 1944). Rosh Hashanah 5737. 1970s. L... Price Realized: $125.00
384 WILKE, Ulfert (German, 1907–1987). Calligraphy. 1969. Litho... Price Realized: $218.75
385 MASSON, Andre (French, 1896–1987). Dessins Erotiques. 1970–... Price Realized: $250.00
386 FIENE, Ernest (American, 1894–1965). Evening, Fifth Avenue.... Price Realized: $270.00
387 RUBIN, Reuven (Israeli, 1893–1974). His Offering. Circa 196... Price Realized: $87.50
388 SHIELDS, Alan (American, 1944–2005). My Roller Derby Queen.... Price Realized: $625.00
389 [POSTERS]. RUSCHA, Ed (American, b. 1937). EE-NUF! / Vote! ... Price Realized: $937.50
390 CALDER, Alexander (American 1898–1976). Small Sun with Flag... Price Realized: $0.00
391 EARLE, Eyvind (American, 1916–2000). Summer. 1966. Serigrap... Price Realized: $1,250.00
392 HOCKNEY, David (American, b. 1937). A Room Full of Straw. 1... Price Realized: $1,500.00
393 (After) ALMARAZ, Carlos (Mexican-American, 1941–1989). Nigh... Price Realized: $937.50
394 [BOOKS]. KENT, Sister Mary Corita (1918–1986). Sister Corit... Price Realized: $180.00
395 ROBERTS, Michele (American, 20th century). How Could He Tel... Price Realized: $180.00
396 HUNDERTWASSER, Friedensreich (Austrian, 1928–2000). Olimpis... Price Realized: $281.25
397 PISSARRO, Hughes Claude (French, b. 1935). Le Palmier du Ja... Price Realized: $0.00
398 STEINBERG, Saul (American, 1914–1999). Legs. Los Angeles: G... Price Realized: $0.00
399 [AFTER] Picasso, Pablo (Spanish, 1881-1973). Alex Maguy, Ga... Price Realized: $250.00
400 ANDERLE, Jiri (Czech, b. 1936). David I. 1980s. Color etchi... Price Realized: $531.25
401 ANDERLE, Jiri (Czech, b. 1936). Coquit Me Cura. 1983. Etchi... Price Realized: $875.00
402 ANDERLE, Jiri After Durer (Czech, b. 1936). Nemesis. 1984. ... Price Realized: $750.00
403 {AFTER] BEARDEN, Romare (American 1911-1988). American Civi... Price Realized: $0.00
404 [EXHIBITION CATALOG]. CHARLES, Michael Ray (American, b. 19... Price Realized: $125.00
405 PARKEVICH, Sasha A. (American, 20th century). King. 1961. B... Price Realized: $125.00
406 ERTE (Romain de Tirtoff), (Russian/French, 1892–1990). Diva... Price Realized: $0.00
407 AFTER Chagall, Marc (French/Russian 1887-1985). I and the V... Price Realized: $250.00
408 AFTER MOORE, Henry (British, 1898-1986). Ideas for Two-Figu... Price Realized: $156.25
409 AFTER MIRO, Joan (Spanish, 1893-1983). Composition. Color o... Price Realized: $218.75
410 LEAF, June (American, 1929-2024). Untitled. (Floral). 1980s... Price Realized: $0.00
411 RYDING, Jeanne Coupe (American, 20th/21st century). Sacrifi... Price Realized: $120.00
412 YARBOROUGH, Julia Kupert (American, 20th century). The Lake... Price Realized: $0.00
413 FRECKELTON, Sondra (American, 1936-2019). Flowers and Leave... Price Realized: $0.00
414 MICHOD, Susan (American, b. 1945). Pincher’s Place. 1982. C... Price Realized: $0.00
415 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Blue-Yellow. Not d... Price Realized: $120.00
416 DARBOVEN, Hanne (German, 1941-2009). Künstlicher Marmor, Ki... Price Realized: $375.00
417 ONO, Yoko (Japanese, b. 1933), GORDON, Kim (American, b. 19... Price Realized: $150.00
418 PARKINA, Anna (Russian, b. 1979). Untitled – 1. 2013. 2015.... Price Realized: $0.00
419 FAIRCHILD-WOODWARD, Roy (British, b. 1953). Sleeping Saskia... Price Realized: $0.00
420 ARTIST UNKNOWN (20th century). In Flight. Lithograph on pap... Price Realized: $60.00
421 DALI, Salvador (Spanish, 1904-1989). Dionysos. 1967. Etchin... Price Realized: $2,375.00
422 MAX, Peter (American, b. 1937). Spring Bouquet. 1977. Color... Price Realized: $0.00
423 FITZPATRICK, Tony, (American, b. 1958). Caterpillar together... Price Realized: $281.25
424 FITZPATRICK, Tony, (American, b. 1958). R. 1999. Signed, da... Price Realized: $312.50
425 FITZPATRICK, Tony, (American, b. 1958). The King of Penny P... Price Realized: $312.50
426 RYDEN, Mark (American, b. 1963). The Tree Show. Signed Spec... Price Realized: $312.50
427 SARIANO, Jean (Algerian, b. 1943). Suggestion about Senses.... Price Realized: $96.00
428 [AFTER] PICASSO, Pablo (Spanish, 1881-1973). Femme a la Toi... Price Realized: $187.50
429 BARNETT, Will (American, 1911-2012). Girl at Piano. Color s... Price Realized: $0.00
430 ERTE, [Romain de Tirtoff] (Russian/French, 1892-1990). Danc... Price Realized: $187.50
431 BRAQUE, George (French, 1882-1963). Georges Braque, Ten Wor... Price Realized: $125.00
432 RAFFAEL, Joseph (American, b. 1933). Returning. 1981. Color... Price Realized: $500.00
433 DELAP, Tony (American, 1927 - 2019). An Evening with the Sp... Price Realized: $187.50
434 SWANN, James (American, 1905-1985). Three etchings: Chicago... Price Realized: $180.00
435 SWANN, James (American, 1905-1985). Three etchings: The Wis... Price Realized: $480.00
436 URBAN, Albert (German, 1909-1959)). Two Untitled Prints. 19... Price Realized: $120.00
437 CRAWFORD, Ralston (American, 1906-1978). Grey Street. 1940.... Price Realized: $1,625.00
438 BAK, Bronislaw M. and Hedi (American, 1922-1981/1927-2010).... Price Realized: $390.00
439 [ARMORY SHOW EPHEMERA]. Armory Show Exhibition Postcards. I... Price Realized: $875.00
440 [ARMORY SHOW EPHEMERA]. Armory Show Lapel Pins. Internation... Price Realized: $875.00
441 [ARMORY SHOW EPHEMERA]. Armory Show / Art Institute of Chic... Price Realized: $510.00
442 [EXHIBITION EPHEMERA]. KATALOG. (In German). Katherine Drei... Price Realized: $0.00
443 [EXHIBITION EPHEMERA]. International Exhibition of Modern A... Price Realized: $437.50
444 [EXHIBITION EPHEMERA]. Exhibition of Fine Art. Negro Artist... Price Realized: $720.00
445 [CRITICISM]. For and Against, Views on the International Ex... Price Realized: $62.50
446 [CRITICISM]. Western Art and the New Era. Introduction to M... Price Realized: $0.00
447 [EXHIBITION EPHEMERA]. Modern Art Sesquicentennial. Forewar... Price Realized: $0.00
448 [EXHIBITION EPHEMERA PRESENTATION COPY]. International Exhi... Price Realized: $0.00
449 AFTER GAUGUIN, Paul (French, 1848-1903). Cylindre au Christ... Price Realized: $3,000.00
450 COOK, Howard N. (American, 1901-1980). Portrait of a Man in... Price Realized: $450.00
451 [AFTER] FEININGER, Lyonel (German, 1871–1956). Gelmeroda. 1... Price Realized: $500.00
452 LOVET-LORSKI, Boris (Lithuanian-American 1894–1973). Untitl... Price Realized: $125.00
453 HOFFMAN, Irwin David (American, 1901–1989). Pastoral Puerto... Price Realized: $87.50
454 KINGMAN, Eduardo (Ecuadorian, 1913–1997). Grinding Corn. Ci... Price Realized: $156.25
455 [SIGNED ART EPHEMERA]. The Frescoes by Diego Rivera in Cuer... Price Realized: $937.50
456 LARIONOV, Mikhail (Russian, 1881-1964). Bal de La Grande Ou... Price Realized: $0.00
457 SMITH, Lawrence Beall (American, 1887-1985). Jig. Circa 194... Price Realized: $0.00
458 DAVID, Hermine (French, 1886-1971). Le Concours Hippique. C... Price Realized: $125.00
459 HERSCHEL, Logan (American, 1901–1987). Hilltop Home. Circa ... Price Realized: $281.25
460 LANDACRE, Paul (American, 1893–1963). Amateurs. 1937. Woodc... Price Realized: $3,360.00
461 LAFITTE, Alphonse (Manuel Robbe) (French, 1863–1936). Untit... Price Realized: $87.50
462 [AFTER] RENOIR, Pierre-Auguste (French, 1841–1919). Sur la ... Price Realized: $120.00
463 ROUAULT, Georges (French, 1871–1958). Les Visages. 1932. Wo... Price Realized: $0.00
464 [AFTER] ROUAULT, Georges (French, 1871-1958). Christ Seated... Price Realized: $0.00
465 CHAGALL, Marc [After] (French/Russian, 1887-1985). Solomon ... Price Realized: $125.00
466 [CLASSICAL VASES]. Group of Five Framed Italian Decorative ... Price Realized: $120.00
467 ARTIST UNKNOWN (European School). La Feü Roine de Navare Ma... Price Realized: $0.00
468 [EARLY PROPOGANDA, DUTCH]. Group of Two Dutch Propaganda Et... Price Realized: $0.00
469 MADELEY, G. E. (British, 1798-1858). A Set of Ten Archimbal... Price Realized: $0.00
470 BEHAM, Hans Sebald (German, 1500–1550). Hercules Killing Ne... Price Realized: $120.00
471 Two Pear Prints / Deutschlands Obstorten. Circa 1905. Chrom... Price Realized: $62.50
472 ORLOWSKI, Hans (German, 1894–1967). Untitled / Still Life ... Price Realized: $0.00
473 AOKI, Toshio (Japanese-American, 1854–1912). Untitled / Ro... Price Realized: $10,000.00
474 EYTEL, Carl (German-American, 1862–1925). Untitled / Desert... Price Realized: $281.25
475 GRUELLE, Johnny (American, 1880–1938). Original Artwork fo... Price Realized: $562.50
476 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Portrait of a Girl in a Pink Dres... Price Realized: $0.00
477 HEISSLER, Louise (19th century). Still Life with ... Price Realized: $0.00
478 HEISSLER, Louise (19th century). Portrait of Woma... Price Realized: $125.00
479 VON WINKLER, Carl (German, 1860-1911). Reval (Tallinn, Capi... Price Realized: $4,800.00
480 PROSDOCIMI, Alberto (Italian, 1852-1925). Untitled. (A Cont... Price Realized: $120.00
481 [UNKNOWN ARTIST]. [AFTER] The Penitent Magdalene. N.d. Oil ... Price Realized: $125.00
482 KOBELL, Franz (German, 1749-1822). Untitled. (A Wooded Land... Price Realized: $150.00
483 RICHARDS, William Trost (American, 1833-1905). Untitled (A ... Price Realized: $2,280.00
484 EATON, Charles Warren (American, 1833-1905). Untitled. (A S... Price Realized: $1,200.00
485 HART, William M. (American, 1823-1894). Hudson Valley Mountain Landscape ... Price Realized: $4,250.00
486 HART, James McDougal. (American, 1828-1901). Hudson Valley Mountain Lands... Price Realized: $4,000.00
487 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American School, 18th century). Portrait of... Price Realized: $240.00
488 BOOZIOTES, Panos (American, 1888-1950). Untitled. (Autumn S... Price Realized: $120.00
489 GOODALL, Frederick (British, 1822-1904). A Carpet Bazaar, C... Price Realized: $250.00
490 ADELSTEIN, Norman (Norwegian, 1848-1918). Untitled. (A Whar... Price Realized: $0.00
491 LESLIE, George Dunlop (British, 1835-1921). Untitled. (A Wo... Price Realized: $1,875.00
492 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Two Untitled Paintings. (Windmill Scene). N... Price Realized: $0.00
493 FRANCIS, Thomas Edward (British, 1873-1961). Untitled. (Dut... Price Realized: $125.00
494 [PAINTING] Seaside Cliffscape Painting. Oil on canvas. Sign... Price Realized: $0.00
495 BREANSKI Jr., Alfred Fontville (British, 1877-1957). A Summ... Price Realized: $0.00
496 LAUNER, Mark (American, 20th century). Two Untitled Waterco... Price Realized: $0.00
497 MARTINEAU (20th century). Untitled. (Street Scene). Not dat... Price Realized: $0.00
498 PALMBLAD, Signe Rydin (Swedish, 1870-1960). Untitled. (A So... Price Realized: $187.50
499 EIGNER, Ignaz (Hungarian, 1854-1922). Untitled Portrait. 18... Price Realized: $687.50
500 IN THE STYLE OF RENOIR, Pierre August (French, 1841-1919). Untitled. ... Price Realized: $7,500.00
501 GODIE, Lee (American, 1908-1994). Portrait of a Woman with ... Price Realized: $1,250.00
502 WILLIS, Wesley (American, 1963 - 2003). The Dan Ryan Expres... Price Realized: $1,062.50
503 MCCARTHY, Justin (American, 1891-1977). Creature. Not dated... Price Realized: $375.00
504 MCCARTHY, Justin (American, 1891-1977). Cinderella. Not dat... Price Realized: $0.00
505 HARVEY, Bessie (American, 1929–1994). Untitled. 1991. Pain... Price Realized: $0.00
506 BLACKMON, William Joshua (Prophet Blackmon) (American, 192... Price Realized: $360.00
507 WEBSTER, Derek (Honduran-American, 1934–2009). Untitled / T... Price Realized: $75.00
508 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916-2001). Coke Bottle, #16,899... Price Realized: $1,560.00
509 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916-2001). Angel, #12,121. 1989. Price Realized: $1,680.00
510 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916-2001). City of Presus (sic)... Price Realized: $1,062.50
511 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Uncle Sam. #21,301. ... Price Realized: $750.00
512 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Lucifer of Cocaine. ... Price Realized: $1,000.00
513 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Howard 1953. #21,335... Price Realized: $875.00
514 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Goose. #34.861. 1994... Price Realized: $625.00
515 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Giraffe / Howard 194... Price Realized: $625.00
516 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Plate. #24,736. 1992... Price Realized: $625.00
517 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). SMITH, Michael E. Po... Price Realized: $375.00
518 FINSTER, Howard (American, 1916–2001). Peter Mars. [Circa 1... Price Realized: $312.50
519 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Woman in Skirt (w... Price Realized: $343.75
520 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Woman in Skirt an... Price Realized: $420.00
521 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Snake and Chicken... Price Realized: $570.00
522 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Snake and Cow. No... Price Realized: $406.25
523 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Snake. Not dated.... Price Realized: $437.50
524 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Indian. Not dated... Price Realized: $330.00
525 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Indian. Not dated... Price Realized: $312.50
526 SUDDUTH, Jimmy Lee (American, 1910-2007). Indian. Not dated... Price Realized: $500.00
527 TOLLIVER, Mose (American, 1925-2006). Self Portrait with Ca... Price Realized: $720.00
528 TOLLIVER, Mose (American, 1925-2006). Snakes. Not dated. Pa... Price Realized: $468.75
529 MILLER, R.A. (American, 1912–2006). Untitled / Snake. 20th... Price Realized: $360.00
530 MILLER, R. A. (American, 1912-2006). Four Rectangular Works... Price Realized: $250.00
531 MILLER, R. A. (American, 1912-2006). Two Figures, Angel, an... Price Realized: $312.50
532 MILLER, R. A. (American, 1912-2006). Fish, Shark and Dinosa... Price Realized: $125.00
533 MILLER, R. A. (American, 1912-2006). Two Dinosaurs and Snak... Price Realized: $375.00
534 MILLER, R. A. (American, 1912-2006). Rooster Whirligig with... Price Realized: $187.50
535 LEE, Ernest (American, 20th century). Two Bird Figures. No... Price Realized: $150.00
536 LEE, Ernest (American, 20th century). Bird and Bird Figure... Price Realized: $75.00
537 TARVER, Willie (American,1932-2010). Female Figure and Man ... Price Realized: $187.50
538 WILLE, Blanche (American, 20th century). Mandolin Melody. ... Price Realized: $156.25
539 WOOLF, Bill (American, 1927-2024). Heritage. 1959. Oil and... Price Realized: $450.00
540 WOOLF, Bill (American, 1927-2024). Untitled. (Family Histo... Price Realized: $0.00
541 WOOLF, Bill (American, b. 1927). Untitled / Self-Portrait M... Price Realized: $406.25
542 WOOLF, Bill (American, b. 1927). Untitled Painted Lampshade... Price Realized: $250.00
543 LANDERS, Sammy (American, b. 1957). Outsider Art Figures. N... Price Realized: $437.50
544 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Set of 12 Astrolog... Price Realized: $0.00
545 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Eccentric Coffin w... Price Realized: $0.00
546 HAMPTON, Luther (America, 1942-2023). Two Untitled Drawings... Price Realized: $0.00
547 SEBASTIAN, George (American 20th century). Assemblage Wrapp... Price Realized: $0.00
548 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Aztec Calendar. Oi... Price Realized: $0.00
549 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Three Cardboard Drawings / Portrait, Beach ... Price Realized: $62.50
550 ARTIST UNKNOWN. A Soldier Dancing in the Raschoffer Café. 2... Price Realized: $0.00
551 FOLK ART MOURNING PAINTING (American,19th/20th century). Me... Price Realized: $900.00
552 [FOLK ART]. Primitive Blank Ledger Page and Back Inside Cov... Price Realized: $240.00
553 ARTIST UNKNOWN (American 19th century). Untitled. (Little G... Price Realized: $0.00
554 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Hole on the Barn Quilt Top. Not dated. Ar... Price Realized: $87.50
555 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Bow Tie Variation Quilt Top. African Amer... Price Realized: $156.25
556 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Applique Floral Quilt Top. Not dated. Art... Price Realized: $0.00
557 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Vertical Diamond Quilt Top. Not dated. Ar... Price Realized: $0.00
558 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Triangles in Squares Quilt Top. Not dated... Price Realized: $150.00
559 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Eight-Pointed Floral Quilt. Not dated. Ar... Price Realized: $240.00
560  [FOLK ART QUILT]. Large Abstract Hourglass and Bowtie Quil... Price Realized: $0.00
561 [FOLK ART QUILT]. Campbell’s Tomato Soup Quilt Top. Not dat... Price Realized: $468.75
562 [AMERICAN CRAFT]. SCHANZ, Joanna E. (American, b. 1942). Ov... Price Realized: $60.00
563 [AMERICAN CRAFT]. Freeform Harvest Basket. Natural material... Price Realized: $0.00
564 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Untitled. Farming Scene. (American, 20th ce... Price Realized: $150.00
565 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Woodpecker Whirligig. 20th century. Hand-pa... Price Realized: $180.00
566 [FOLK ART]. ARTIST UNKNOWN (American, 20th century). Limber... Price Realized: $210.00
567 [FOLK ART]. ANDERSON, Alfred (Norwegian/American). Whirligi... Price Realized: $150.00
568 [FOLK ART]. Model of the Titanic. 20th century. Wood, paint... Price Realized: $480.00
569 STORM, Peter (American, 20th century). Sleeping Shorebird o... Price Realized: $0.00
570 [FOLK ART]. Carved and Polychromed Wood Rooster. (American,... Price Realized: $156.25
571 [SCULPTURE]. Cast Iron Garden Hen. (American, 20th century)... Price Realized: $0.00
572 [DECORATIVE ARTS]. Pair of Hessian Andirons. Waynesboro, VA... Price Realized: $0.00
573 [FOLK ART]. (American, 20th century). Brick Fireplace Foldi... Price Realized: $0.00
574 [NATURE]. Eleven Sets of Insects Cast in Resin. 1950s. Moth... Price Realized: $84.00
575 [NATURE]. SAUNDERS, Jack (American, 20th century). Naturali... Price Realized: $62.50
576 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Two Memory Jars. 20th century. Mixed media,... Price Realized: $62.50
577 [NOVELTY]. Felt Beanie with Gumball Charms. 1940s. 4 h x 7 ... Price Realized: $0.00
578 [SCULPTURE]. Tall Bottlecap Figure. 1960s. Figure with asht... Price Realized: $75.00
579 [FOLK ART]. GUTZMER, Kent (American, 20th century). Hand-Ca... Price Realized: $120.00
580 [FOLK ART]. Nine Toy Vehicles: Handmade Train Engine and Tw... Price Realized: $60.00
581 [FOLK ART]. (American, 20th century). A Group of 5 Carved a... Price Realized: $0.00
582 [FOLK ART]. (American, 20th century). A Group of Four Carve... Price Realized: $0.00
583 POWELL, Ronnie (American, 20th century). A Group of Six Car... Price Realized: $120.00
584 EVANS, Myrl (American, 20th century). Carved and Painted Wo... Price Realized: $62.50
585 EVANS, Myrl (American, 20th century). Carved Wood Man Clutc... Price Realized: $0.00
586 [CARNIVAL]. STARADO. Signage for Performing Act. (American,... Price Realized: $180.00
587 [FOLK ART]. Cross Bookends. (American 20th century) Carved ... Price Realized: $0.00
588 [DECORATIVE ARTS]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Burl Wood Bowl. N.d. Car... Price Realized: $0.00
589 [SCULPTURE]. LARSON, Edward (American, b. 1931). Eider Deco... Price Realized: $150.00
590 EVANS, Myrl (American, 20th century). Carved and Painted Wo... Price Realized: $100.00
591 [SCULPTURE]. Artist Unknown. (American, 20th century). Coun... Price Realized: $0.00
592 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (Japanese, 19th/20th century). Seven Color ... Price Realized: $0.00
593 (After) HOKUSAI, Katsushika (Japanese, 1760–1849). Fine Win... Price Realized: $187.50
594 (After) HOKUSAI (Japanese, 1760–1849). The Great Wave off K... Price Realized: $2,250.00
595 (After) HIROSHIGE, Utagawa (1797–1858). Flower Viewing at A... Price Realized: $0.00
596 (After) HIROSHIGE, Utagawa (1797–1858). Mount Atago in Shib... Price Realized: $187.50
597 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Chinese Kimono. [Circa mid-20th century]. E... Price Realized: $6,600.00
598 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Large Figural Carving. [Sepik River, New Gu... Price Realized: $180.00
599 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Carved suspension hook [Sepik River, New Gu... Price Realized: $125.00
600 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Pair of Figural / Animal Carvings. [Sepik R... Price Realized: $0.00
601 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Raffia Mask. 20th century. Hand-carved and ... Price Realized: $0.00
602 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Carved Male Figure. Circa 20th century. Han... Price Realized: $0.00
603 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. PROPHETE, Max (Haitian, 20t... Price Realized: $120.00
604 PIERRE-LOUIS, Prospère (Haitian, 1947–1997). Untitled. 198... Price Realized: $375.00
605 ANTILHOMME, Richard (Haitian, 1922–2002). Green Robed Spir... Price Realized: $281.25
606 ANTILHOMME, Richard (Haitian, 1922–2002). Untitled / Multi... Price Realized: $187.50
607 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. TUNNILLIE, Ikayukta (Inuit, 1911-1980). Owl... Price Realized: $210.00
608 MARACLE, Christian (Canadian, 1944-1996). Ugly Indian. Not ... Price Realized: $0.00
609 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (After) MORRISSEAU, Norval (Indigenous Cana... Price Realized: $0.00
610 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (After) MORRISSEAU, David (Indigenous Canad... Price Realized: $0.00
611 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (After) MORRISSEAU, Christian (Indigenous C... Price Realized: $0.00
612 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (After) MORRISSEAU, Norval (Indigenous Cana... Price Realized: $0.00
613 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. Navajo Rug. (Native American, 20th century)... Price Realized: $120.00
614 [TEXTILES]. ARTIST UNKNOWN. Handwoven Pictorial Tapestry Ru... Price Realized: $0.00
615 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (20th century). Knife and Arrow Sampler fro... Price Realized: $96.00
616 [FOLK ART]. Wrought Iron Kitchen Rack. N.d. [ca. 19th – ear... Price Realized: $330.00
617 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (19th century). Persian Miniatures. A Group... Price Realized: $218.75
618 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (19th century). Persian Miniatures. A Group... Price Realized: $281.25
619 [ETHNOGRAPHIC]. (19th century). Persian Miniatures. A Group... Price Realized: $281.25
620 [ARTIST UNKNOWN]. Untitled. Abstract Colors. 1983. Price Realized: $0.00
621 [OUTSIDER ART] Smith, Lucile (American, 1910-2002). Untitled. Price Realized: $120.00